What is Circle K?
Circle K International is the world's largest student led collegiate service organization that is part of the larger Kiwanis International family. Circle K combines community service and leadership training with the opportunity to meet other college students, who share the desire to serve others in their community.
Our Mission:
Developing college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.
UPenn Circle K is based on the 3 tenets of Service, Leadership, and Fellowship. We are dedicated to serving the local Philadelphia area with service events that support organizations such as University City Hospitality Coalition, Relay for Life, Books Through Bars, Walnut Street West Library, and much more. We also offer a variety of leadership opportunities through our executive board and extended board. We also are a tight knit community and host a variety of club socials and study breaks throughout the year.
Pennsylvania CKI pursues a district service project every year and this year is "From One PACK to Another". This project focuses on animal welfare by promoting, educating and advocating for organizations that help abandoned and neglected animals. Our club has decided to focus on fundraising for the Morris Animal Refuge and hope to raise $500 by the end of the year.
If you wish to learn more about Circle K:
Circle K International: http://www.circlek.org/home.aspx
Pennsylvania District Circle K: http://www.pacirclek.org
Kiwanis: http://www.kiwanis.org